J’ai eu la chance de découvrir Plaisir de lire puis de l’expérimenter sous la supervision de Neli Guedova. J’avoue que pour la locutrice native que je suis, la méthode m’a d’abord paru ardue puisqu'elle se distingue de la façon dont j’ai appris à lire.
En mettant l'accent sur l'orthoépie, elle nous offre pourtant un autre point de vue sur les liens graphie-phonie du français et, en ce sens, s’adresse parfaitement à nos apprenants en langue seconde ou étrangère. Après un an d’essai, je ne vois que des avantages à consacrer de 4 à 5 heures par semaine à cet enseignement. Le fait que la méthode soit en noir et blanc et sans images aide les apprenants à se concentrer. L’aspect répétitif – loin de les ennuyer – les sécurise, et très vite, les progrès parlent d’eux-mêmes. Les étudiants apprécient l’exercice et se sentent chaque jour de plus en plus compétents. La répétition favorise également un climat de travail propice à l’entraide et à l’empathie puisque chacun participe en grand groupe puis en petit groupe. De plus, la lecture à voix haute permet d'expérimenter la langue et d’en saisir les subtilités « in vivo », en travaillant simultanément la prosodie, la diction, le plaisir des sons et même le sens. Je crois que si cette méthode existait pour ma langue seconde, je pourrais aussi la lire bien plus facilement. C'est un cadeau que chaque enseignant devrait offrir à son groupe, même à des étudiants plus avancés à des fins de consolidation ou de correction phonétique.
Sandrine Sauvé Enseignante FLS
Madame, Monsieur,
Je vous écris en tant qu'étudiante au Centre Lartigue pour partager mon opinion sur la méthode que les professeurs utilisent selon la nouvelle grammaire est très difficile pour nous les immigrants. Les professeurs sont excellents et respectueux envers le Ministère de l'éducation et ils travaillent fort, mais les résultats ne sont pas bons.
Voilà ce que je vais proposer pour la nouvelle grammaire, de changer pour la méthode de la professeure Neli Guedova qui a plusieurs années d'expérience avec nous, les étudiants immigrants.
Elle peut expliquer d'une autre façon, et elle écrit inspirée de chaque étudiant.
J'ai pu m'améliorer avec sa manière de travailler avec nous et c'est un point qui fait la différence aussi pour tous les autres étudiants.
Nous comprenons vite, la lecture, l'écriture, etc.
J'ai modifié ma façon de travailler plus d'une fois avec les professeurs. Je n'ai pas la prétention de dire que vous devez changer le programme, mais je pense que vous pourrez utiliser plusieurs idées de la professeure Neli pour compléter les vôtres.
Nilza de Mélo
J’ai le privilège d’avoir Mme Neli Guedova comme enseignante. Mme Guedova est humaniste, passionnée par sa profession, à l’écoute et profondément dévouée. C’est aussi une grande pédagogue qui partage son savoir avec bonheur et vivacité. Sa méthode d’enseignement a un impact considérable sur la persévérance scolaire. William Arthur Ward a dit : « un bon enseignant explique. Un excellent enseignant démontre. Un très grand enseignant inspire ».
Ainsi, Mme Guedova a réussi à m’inspirer, à me donner confiance en moi et en l’avenir et aussi à me donner l’envie d’apprendre. Sans elle, je ne serais probablement pas en train de continuer à apprendre le français. De plus, j’ai développé un réel plaisir à lire et à parler en français grâce notamment au matériel utilisé par Mme Guedova, soit Plaisir de lire, Plaisir de dire.
Neli, je vous suis sincèrement reconnaissante pour votre patience, pour votre encouragement constant et pour avoir été présente dans les moments difficiles.
Mille MERCIS pour tout ce que tu fais Neli!
De la part de ton étudiante Zahia Ait Gherbi. J
Bonjour Neli,
Je vous écris mes pensées du cours de prononciation.
Le cours de prononciation m’a beaucoup aidé. Je me sens plus à l’aise avec la prononciation de français. Quand je rencontre de nouveaux mots, je sais les prononcer sans recourir aux prononciations de ma langue maternelle. Le cours de prononciation m’a aidé à avancer avec le français et à comprendre plus la structure de la langue. Si je n’ai pas suivi le cours, il me prendrait des années à comprendre toutes les règles de prononciation; on est souvent inconscient de nos erreurs et la prononciation n’est pas assez enseignée dans les cours de langue et dans la vie. Merci beaucoup pour le cours.
Mes sentiments respectueux,
Derek Trudel
« Tu m’as donné la confiance de parler »
Jeison Arley Salazar Bautista – niveau 6
Je parle, je suis.
Jean – niveau 1
Personal letter of recommendation for Prof. Guedova
To whom it may concern:
The following letter is my personal review of Mrs. Guedova’s level (1-2) morning French class that took place from May 1 to June 29 at the Centre Lartigue. My account is particularly relevant because of the serendipitous nature of my path towards learning the French language. More importantly, I have the privilege to verbalize the thoughts of my colleagues, who are not able to comment because most of them are refuges of Latin-American origin, and do not possess a skill in neither French nor English.
For comparative value, this year’s level (1-2) was split randomly in half after the first week of class, making it easier to analyze the average level of improvement of the two different student groups, at the end of the two month semester.
Along with my peers, we have witnessed and discussed in detail the other side of this accidental experiment and it is clear those under the tutelage of Mrs. Guedova’s were able to noticeably develop an edge in their verbal skills and consequently also gain more confidence in their listening and comprehension abilities.
Our understanding of this phenomenon is due to the unorthodox style applied, which allows her to mold herself to every student, captivating their attention, and place herself in a position to be able to demand the best from her pupils.
On the first week she began by stating “if you don’t learn, it’s not your fault, it’s mine”. That exemplifies a rare level of leadership which must be highlighted. However, the atmosphere in the classroom is very light since she uses every single opportunity to pause and plant a seed in the student. As opposed to other instructors who let mistakes go to waste and leave gaps unfulfilled allowing students to repeat and reinforce habitual mistakes. By having less structure and staying flexible to what the students demand on that specific day, she is able to pack in even more content per class whilst not forcing a certain way which would drain the energy of the students and the instructor him/herself.
In my opinion, Mrs. Guedova could be of better use to the French language if she had the resources and a better platform to inspire more traditionally inclined instructors, and exponentially multiply the positive results of this experiment, thus improving newcomers’ ability to visualize a great future by remaining in Quebec.
Fernando Javier Aparicio
To whom it may concern,
I have been studying french for the past four months at Centre Lartigue, and although I am undoubtedly improving, my greatest difficulty remains prononciation. Fundamental to learning a new language is speaking it outside of the classroom, but much like the majority of my other classmates, I struggled with the confidence needed to do so because of my prononciation. For the past two months I have been attending Neli's prononciation class and I can say, without a doubt, that my prononciation has improved dramatically. You are able to see the same monumental difference in all that attend her classes - from complete beginners to more advanced students honing up their skills. The difference is incredible. Obviously learning a new language is extremely difficult, and when you don't have the confidence (because you are afraid that no one will understand you) it makes it even harder. Neli's patience, passion and daily dedication make students eager to learn (the majority of students are giving up their lunch break for the opportunity!). I hope to continue with level three at the beginning of march, and I will definitely be taking Neli's class as often as I can!
Katrina Jurjans
Noemi Maruyama
"Learning a new language is not as intuitive as one can think. There is no way to teach someone to pronounce French words with confidence, relying on what should sound "natural" or "harmonious." At the primary level, it's pretty frustrating for an immigrant to ask such a thing because we can't even have a parameter about that yet. Ms. Guedova's holistic method brings fresh air to our community, eager to integrate the francophone world. "Plaisir de Lire" it's a reliable tool because it takes us by hand from the first step of the pronunciation learning path. With efficient mnemonic strategies that gradually build our confidence, in little time, we feel more and more comfortable moving independently through the tortuous process of French-speaking. Compassion, humanity, and knowledge work symbiotically, demonstrating the commitment of a well-succeded expatriate on easing the way for the ones to follow."
Dear Neli Guedova,
Greetings of the day!
It was a great experience learning French language with you. I did not realize that it is already time for end of the level 1 and 2.
You are an Inspirer, an Engager and a Empower. These three characteristics are just a short sample of the many you demonstrate with all your students, including me, every single day.
We learnt the techniques how to pronounce with the practice we do in the class.
You made it very simple to all the students by publishing your book ‘Plaisir de Lire’. When we learnt pronunciation of words in French language it is because of you and your book.
Daily whenever I read any book, newspaper, or advertisements, etc in French, I always remember you. Because you made the language very simple to us.
We students come from different countries with different languages, different culture etc, but you made all of us to come to a single platform through French language.
You demonstrate before you preach. You give empowerment to your students and always make us realize that you are there with us to support when we need you.
You truly a standout teacher because of your sheer dedication to your students. Especially when teaching pronunciation and phonetics in French language, you made it very easy for us to learn.
I thank you and wish you a very grateful future.
I wish you would continue and make individuals and new immigrants have a quality of life in Quebec with good comprehension and speaking abilities in French with your easy techniques you teach us how to comprehend and pronounce.
These techniques made us to learn, speak and continue our lives through French Language in Quebec.
Thank you and with regards
Sumatha Kondabolu
Level 1 and 2 Student at Centre Lartigue (Learning French)
Having entered Neli’s Level 6 class directly after Level 5, I was immediately impressed by her passion for teaching; her pedagogical rigour, combined with a deep empathy for her students, became quickly apparent. At first, I was afraid that I would be a drag on the class, but Neli encouraged me to persist, and she was right!
Each class is structured with a balance of dictation, writing, reading, listening, and comprehension. Add to it a dash of humour, and the stage is set for learning. Participation in each session guarantees learning.
Neli records notes online with great adeptness, posting them daily for review at one’s own pace. She welcomes and appreciates questions, using them as a basis for deepening students’ understanding. She deconstructs material resulting in the broadest possible appreciation of the language. Even as a more passive learner, one cannot help but improve simply by participating in each class/session.
Neli treats her students as adults, expecting them to be responsible for their learning. She speaks marvelously clearly; her accent and enunciation are totally accessible. Her greatest strengths are her accessibility, both in the classroom (online) and, also, by email, making for strong communication bonds; also, her patience in enhancing understanding by deconstructing all dimensions of any question that is raised expands learning. Her warmth and care about the students are evident throughout.
June 15, 2021
Recipient of the 2021 RESEARCH INTEGRITY AWARD of the
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)
Hello Neli
I've been meaning to write to you for a long time and I'm sorry I can't. First of all, I hope you are doing well.
You remember me, I was your student in level 1 at the Lartigue center in August 2020, your dyslexic student.
Since coming to Canada, integrating into Montreal has been a goal of mine, for which French as a trained professional is not only a tool to offer my services and contribute to the industry here, but also to support my daughters.
I remember when you started the course, you taught us how to say the year 2020, and from then on, I noticed how you emphasized the existing sound associations in French. I didn't understand why you made us read, repeat, and learn syllable combinations or letter groups, but we took time out of class for some of the rules you explained.
Many nights, even in level 1, with my daughters when they were reading their French book, I was able to correct them because I knew how they were pronounced and you taught us to read even though I didn't know the meaning.
I find that your method which includes practice and assimilation helps non-French speakers like me to learn French and stimulates the desire to read aloud, the identification of these characteristic sounds helped me. I would have liked to continue with your method. When it will be possible to buy your book, let me know, I would be really interested.
I hope to see you again.
Ixchel Sanchez
A student who started French with a passionate teacher.
Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre attention, l’affection et l'engagement dans votre travail en tant que professeur. Impossible de ne pas exprimer ma satisfaction comme étudiant de français et vous présenter mes sincères remerciements pour mon développement dans la lecture de la langue française qui est vraiment une langue belle et délicate. Je dois aussi vous informer que votre méthode d'enseignement de la lecture m’a permis de surmonter mon problème de dyslexie à apprendre à lire et surtout à bien comprendre le français.La dyslexie est un problème qui m'a toujours accompagné dans ma propre langue qui ne m'a pas empêché d'apprendre tout ce que je sais en portugais, espagnol et maintenant en français, mais la méthode utilisée par vous dans la classe s’est avérée extrêmement efficace pour mon développement rapide.Merci encore pour tout ce que vous avez fait dans vos classes.
Lauréat Bronze - Grands Prix du Design 2021https://int.design/fr/projets/cyberglamour/?
To whom it may concern:
I, Timothy Smith, am writing a letter in recommendation of Neli Guedova. I
am a recent graduate with a Master of Arts in Film Studies and already have a BFA
and BA. I have taught university courses and high school over the last three years
and am well aware of the difficulties in creating a viable pedagogical structure
attuned to individual needs. Being in front of the classroom can be a difficult task
and Neli handles it very well and creates an accessible learning environment for all
her students. Neli is attentive to the needs of her students and further explains the
nuances of the French language if any of her students are having difficulties
I have had the distinct pleasure of learning from Neli Guedova in level 3 of
the Quebec Government French classes. Personally, I have made immense leaps and
bounds in my understanding and manipulation of the French language due to her
approach in teaching, knowledge, attention to detail and individual needs, and her
capabilities in front of the class. Her immense knowledge of the structure and rules
of the language and her ability to convey such complex information to students, who
have little to no knowledge of the language, is astounding.
She spends individual time with each student as class‐time allows and if, at
any time, a student is in need of more help she gives of her personal time outside
class to ensure her students succeed. She compiles more information, work, sources
or whatever the student requires to expand their understanding and learning. She
offers critiques and corrections to individual work not directly linked to class time
and allows her students to share their work amongst themselves to help students
become competent and confident in their approach to learning.
Her teaching style is very creative, comprehensible and approachable. She
explains her points succinctly, and due to her knowledge she further elaborates on
any points a student is having difficulty with. She ensures the classroom is an
environment where students are entitled and encouraged to learn and have fun
while doing so.
I vouch for Neli’s abilities and will continue to do so in the future.
Timothy Smith, BFA, BA, MA
Apprendre bien la langue française était ma grande ambition, déjà avant de déménager au Québec.
Toutefois, je ne pouvais jamais imaginer à quel point difficile cette langue pourrait être pour une étrangère comme moi.
En suivant plusieurs cours de français ailleurs, j'ai commencé à douter de la possibilité de comprendre un jour la nature de cette langue qui comporte plus d'exceptions que de règles.
Je suis venue au cours de Neli juste au bon moment, au niveau 6, où j’ai commencé à mieux la comprendre, aussi sa prononciation et à consolider mes connaissances des cours précédents.
Dès le premier jour, j'ai été positivement surprise par son dévouement envers ses étudiants. J'ai enfin appris comment prononcer correctement et surtout quelle était la raison pour laquelle nous prononçons les mots de cette façon.
J'apprécie énormément l'implication et la patience de Neli qui nous a appris
la prononciation française en lisant à haute voix des ouvrages intéressants.
Elle nous corrigeait régulièrement et chaque fois qu'elle disait un mot que nous ne comprenions pas, elle l’écrivait immédiatement pour nous afin d'enrichir notre vocabulaire.
Elle nous a appris à ne pas avoir peur de faire des erreurs et elle ne nous a pas limités aux connaissances qui sont destinées à notre niveau, mais elle nous mettait au défi d'élargir nos connaissances.
Chaque jour en classe, nous apprenions une nouvelle notion de grammaire grâce à la dictée que nous analysions en détail et nous pratiquions en petits groupes les différents exercices de grammaire. Elle s’est adaptée aux besoins des étudiants ce qui a fait naître en moi une confiance dans l'apprentissage de cette langue et une plus grande motivation pour continuer. En étant l'élève de Neli, j'ai non seulement beaucoup appris de sa méthode d'enseignement non conventionnelle et innovante, mais aussi de sa passion pour cette profession et de son inspiration pour nous, les immigrants.
Centre Lartigue offers its students the opportunity to take on additional practical experience through Ms. Guedova`s pronunciation and phonetics class. ``Amazing``, ``Fun``, and ``Educational`` are the best adjectives to describe Ms. Guedova`s class. We students quickly understand and appreciate the notion of ``trail by error``. We soon find out embarrassment is part of the fun.Centre Lartique`s students are from all countries of the world and one of the facts we learn is that the french language has unique pronunciations and phonetics not heard of in other languages. Thus, there are obvious difficulties in navigating our new french language skills. Ms. Guedova leads us through the reasoning behind french grammatical pronunciation, rules and the exception to those rules! To all of our achievement we move from two letter words to complete phrases and chapters encompassing verb conjugation, expressions, liaisons, accents and phrase rhythms. Five days a week Ms. Guedova`s class is offered by Centre Lartique to its students. I cannot imagine my curriculum without this class. There also has to be something said about having the opportunity to participate in a class dedicated to the reasoning behind french phonetics, grammar and pronunciation.In mine and other classmates opioion Ms. Guedova`s class builds confidence and practical experience so me and my classmates can go home taking on further initiative adding to the skills provided to us at Centre Lartigue French Language Studies. Many people will undoubtedly appreciate the opportunity to paricipate in Ms. Guedova`s course objective.
Montréal, le 4 mars 2024
À qui de droit, j'ai été l'élève du professeur Neli Guedova pendant deux mois en cours de français à l'Institut Lartigue, à Montréal.
Dans mon témoignage, je tiens à souligner l’excellente qualité de l’enseignement du professeur Neli.
Son cours est très instructif, elle répond à toutes les questions avec beaucoup de fermeté, avec d'excellentes bases théoriques et toujours avec beaucoup de bienveillance et de bonne humeur.
La méthode qu'elle a développée et qu'elle utilise en classe est très efficace et accessible, et a fait une énorme différence dans mon apprentissage, se traduisant par une augmentation notable de mon niveau de compréhension et de production écrite et orale de la langue française.
Eduardo Kremer
Dear, Nelly!I really appreciate your guidance. It's so useful to learn French. I think, Practice for pronunciation is excellent and surely, when I pronounced a word correctly, listening was more easy. Unfortunately, we didn't get a enough time for a stable foundation, Writing is still quite challenging for me. However, I understand that, because only 2 months for level 1,2 is not ideal. Further more, I would like to mention that you are so patient and respectful to all individual. Again, I'd like to thanks for your warm heart and your passion! I feel my french is developing by your motivation and nice material.Merci beaucoup, Nelly!Your korean friend, Seongchan
Dear Neli,i wanted all my life to learn french thank to Allah you where there to inspired me and made me not to feel shame to try to speak & make mistakes as you alwasy said " practice makes perfect" Why because you learn with us as you mentioned everyone of us teach you something...... thank you for coming down the stairs & act as étudiante like us 😍 Best Wishes
French phonetics class
When I began studying french at Centre Lartigue, I had been away from school for over 30 years. I wanted to do whatever the experts there told me to do so when your lunchtime phonetics course was offered, I jumped at it. I figured I didn't know many words in french but I wanted to pronounce the ones I was to learn properly. 30 mins out of a long 1 hour lunch worked for me.
I continued your course Neli for almost 1 year while I struggled thru the other classes. I still feel today that your teaching methods and techniques should be mandatory to all students, no matter their french level or county of origin. It gave me confidence and encouraged me to persevere with these difficult studies.
As you included me in your studies, design and formal presentation of your course Neli, I could see improvements beyond what I could have imagined. I will never be able to thank you enough for the time, encouragement and patience you offered me.
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